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Gnomies offers two programs: Our primary session from 9-12:45 and our aftercare program from

1-5. Teachers are facilitators of play, offering support and acting as a resource, largely yielding to the child's lead.  In times of conflict, the teacher will model language that helps children learn how to work together, foster empathy, hone their negotiation and communication skills, and ultimately create a community of inclusiveness.


In both programs, we offer a teacher to child ratio of 1:7. 

The school consists of 4 classrooms: The front room holds our cubbies, the library, a cozy window nook, a kitchen for our weekly cooking projects, and tables for projects and puzzles.  The middle room is full of industrious and imaginative play: A block rug for block structures or Magnatile builds, a play kitchen and a dramatic play area.  The art room is buzzing with creativity: a sensory table for pounding out play dough or clay, a teacher-facilitated project table, and a more independent, child-led table, where open-ended activities like stamps, watercolors, and drawing occur.  Two easels pique the interests of our burgeoning painters. Lastly, our yard is an important extension of our school.  We have trikes out, a huge sand box for sand and water play, and a great wooden ship for climbing, sliding, and more gross motor development!

Our schedule also incorporates an organic snack, music and movement, yoga and meditation, and a closing circle-time.

The Morning Program runs from 9-1pm.  

The Aftercare Program runs from 1-5pm.

Daily Schedule


9-9:15am        Everyone arrives!

9-10:30          Indoor/Outdoor Play

10:00             Art Room opens

10:15-10:45  Snack and Indoor Play/Art Room

10:45            Yard Re-opens/ Indoor/ Outdoor Play/ Art Room

11:30            Art Room closes/ Yard Clean-up

11:40-12       Circle Time

12-1:00         Wash up for Lunch/ Lunch/Yard open

1:00              Dismissal/ Aftercare 

1-1:30           Story Time on Sleeping mats/ Meditation

1:30-3           Naptime

3-3:30           Snack and Indoor Play

3:30-4:45      Outside Opens/ Indoor Play

5:00              Dismissal at Front Deck. Teachers assist with pick-up


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